Digital Byte 26: I Was Wrong, You Might Be Too

September 26th, 2023

These past two days I celebrated Yom Kippur. If you aren't familiar with Yom Kippur, Yom Kippur is a Jewish holiday right after the Jewish New Year (10 days to be exact) where we ask the higher power to be written in this year's Book of Life. On this day, we are supposed to reflect on our past year, ask for forgiveness from others, and create a clean slate. To do so, we fast from sundown to sundown, reflect on the past year, and are encouraged to reach out to those we feel we have wronged.

During the service that began the fasting period, my rabbi encouraged us to embrace a world where there is power in being “wrong” rather than a world where being “right” divides us. It doesn't mean abandoning our beliefs but being curious to learn more about what initially divides us.

She encouraged us to use this phrase: “Your perspective differs from mine. I am curious. Tell me more.”

These words echo an invitation to acknowledge and respect diverse viewpoints. Imagine the power in a workplace where differing perspectives are not merely tolerated but celebrated, where the richness of varied ideas fuels innovation and creative problem-solving. It challenges our assumptions, by seeking fresh perspectives. By inviting dialogue and deeper connection, we foster stronger relationships and discover the immense power of collaboration.

Business-wise, these are some of the questions I am reflecting on this year:

  1. When might I replace the certainty of "I am right" with the openness of "Your perspective differs from mine. I am curious. Tell me more."?

  2. How might cultivating curiosity enhance my professional life and drive improvement?

  3. As I envision my future, what kind of professional do I aspire to become one year from now?

So here is my invitation to you. Join me in embracing the essence of Yom Kippur and the beauty of acknowledging our wrongs. Happy reflecting, and here's to a year filled with remarkable growth and fresh opportunities of being wrong.

Stay inspired,

Sydney Addis

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