Digital Byte 33: The Goal-Setting Strategy that actually works

January 2nd, 2024

As we kick off 2024, I know many of you are thinking about your goals, if you haven’t already planned them all out. We’ve all been here year after year. Big aspirations, grand dreams, and that extra surge of motivation. But let’s be honest - how often do we actually reach these goals we set out to achieve?

After years of exploring various approaches to set my clients up for success in goal-setting, I've stumbled upon a method that truly delivers results, and I wanted to share it with you.

I used to find myself stuck in the monotonous cycle of monthly analytics calls, where clients rarely showed up, and who could blame them? It was a bit boring, we were stuck too much in the tiny details.

Another frustration? Clients often had shiny new ideas they wanted us to jump on right away. So of course, we did. This, however, led to no goals being completed as we jumped around project by project losing sight of the bigger picture. Our strategy changed too frequently and nothing was getting accomplished.

So, instead of drowning in a sea of data, I've shifted my focus to big-picture goals for the quarter based on goals the client wants to achieve for the year. It's a total game-changer. Less stress, more impact.

The underlying principle is simplifying the process and ensuring our focus isn't fixated on tiny metrics but on the overarching goals that propel their business forward.

So try to keep the following in mind with your 2024 goal planning:

1. Have a quarterly focus.
Wave goodbye to the monthly (or even weekly) grind. Zoom out, and set ambitious goals for the quarter that align with where you’d like to be one year from now. 

2. Dream big, visualize bigger.
Picture where you want your business to be. If you want your company to reach 1 million, ask, "How would I approach this situation as my million self?" It's not just thinking about the goals; it's about visualizing who that version of yourself is and what steps it will take to get there.

3. Simplify the check-ins.
Swap the dull analytic meetings for easy updates. We kept it to monthly progress updates – that don’t even require a call. Remember, you’re busy making your dreams a reality.

4. Document your goals. 
Write it down. Document your goals, progress, and reflections. Each client has their own performance document we use throughout the year. It is a great place to plan and look back on all you’ve achieved.

5. Buddy up. 
Sharing your goals with someone else helps you achieve them. Work with a friend, an agency, or even someone on your team, and take the time to talk out your goals for the year ahead.

Cheers to your continued success, 2024 is your year!

Sydney Addis

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