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Digital Byte 09: Creating a Sense of Routine
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Digital Byte 09: Creating a Sense of Routine

As someone who runs a fully-remote marketing agency, my daily life can feel like it’s all over the place. While I am not someone who likes to have to same work day-to-day, sometimes I feel like I’m lacking a proper routine. I am always trying to get into the flow of a schedule that is completely up to me, but one big thing I’ve been neglecting is taking time out of my day to eat.

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Digital Byte 08: The Difference Between Management & Leadership
Newsletter Sydney Addis Newsletter Sydney Addis

Digital Byte 08: The Difference Between Management & Leadership

Leadership means creating an environment where those around you feel inspired to thrive, where they feel their voices are heard, where they feel they have the tools they need to reach their highest potential. It is not a role where you dictate over your team giving order by order. That is management and it does not make for an effective team.

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6 Business Automation Tools to Grow Your Business in 2023
Business Tips Sydney Addis Business Tips Sydney Addis

6 Business Automation Tools to Grow Your Business in 2023

Let’s face it, we’re all busy. We’re answering emails, taking calls, trying to solve issues, putting out fires, learning new things, and sometimes we just don’t have enough time in the day. The right software can save you time, money, or other important resources and there’s a lot of automation software out there but here are our favorites, tried and tested by our own agency.

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Freebie: Real Estate Email Automations Guide

Automating your systems is key. In this guide you’ll learn our favorite tools to use, have a step by step system, and two free email sequences to get you going.